Yoga: Tree

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Yoga: Tree


Begin in mountain pose Tadasana, feet hip-width apart, spread the toes and lift the kneecaps. Shift the weight over to the right side and slowly lift the left leg and place the sole of the foot to the inside of the ankle, knee or inner thigh. Find an object in front of you to focus on. Pull the opposite knee and hip open away from one another. Gently push the left foot into the right thigh and the right thigh into the left foot. Hold this for 5 to 10 deep breaths.

Side Note:

Improves balance, focus and concentration. Strengthens the ankle, knee and hip stabilizers. Steadies the nerves and calms the mind.


Balance, Yoga

Udstyr benyttet

Model Nummer : 200.005
Sissel gym 1.0 Måtte koksgrå
375.00 KR
Sissel gym måtte i 1 cm tykkelse fremfor den normale 1,5 cm.  Høj høj kvalitet, fulder mindre og lettere at transportere fra sted til sted. Allergivenlig og ude phtalater Behagelig og varm.  størrelse  180 x 60 x 1,0 cm

Model Nummer : 200.010.015
Gym Måtte bæretaske
99.00 KR
• Handy skulder taske • passer perfekt til SISSEL® Gym Måtte , eller med din egen pilates eller yoga måtte • måtten sælges seperart

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